Advanced Encryption Classification WEBINAR

Date:  April 6, 2022 1:00-2:30 EST
Participants will get case studies and worksheets to review by March 23

INSTRUCTOR:  Felice Laird, Export Strategies, LLC

Webinar tuition: 

Train with others in your organization all over the world and get a group discount!  Group participants do NOT need to be in the same physical location.  Contact Us for Group Registration Code and discount tiers.



Practice Makes Perfect – A Webinar that Combines Hands-On Exercises, Discussions, and Instruction.

This webinar is for export compliance officers, engineers, and legal practitioners who have experience with product classification and the use of encryption technologies in hardware and software applications. We will provide participants with classification exercises to complete prior to the webinar. During the webinar we will use a combination of instruction and discussion of the exercises for a “practice makes perfect” approach to learning how to assess jurisdiction and classification for products with data security features. 


Participants will receive several case studies/classification exercises in advance of the webinar. The case studies will present data sheets of hypothetical products made for aerospace applications, computing and networking, communications, data security, oil and gas, and medical industries. 

This combination of hands-on exercises, expert instruction, and participation in real-time question and answer sessions will be a unique opportunity to enhance your understanding of Category 5 Part II classifications. Knowing how to gather information from within your company in order to do classifications correctly will enable you to assign the correct USML/CCL category correctly and keep the necessary technical information as required by the regulations.

Discounts & Special Billing Arrangements